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Kittie Lamb, M.Ed

At Stilson Elementary School, we offer a developmental guidance and counseling program that offers the following:

  • Guidance and counseling services to all students based on the developmental needs of the students
  • Help children become aware of themselves and their needs so they can make healthy, responsible choice
  • Teach students skills to help them live and learn more effectively
  • A cooperative effort between parents, teachers, principals, and the counselor

Classroom Guidance

Mrs. Lamb schedules each class to come to her office to discuss various topics such as conflict resolution, making friends, getting along, etc.

Small Group Counseling

Mrs. Lamb meets with groups of 4 to 6 students who share a common concern.  In this environment, students can provide a support network for each other while learning coping strategies and interpersonal skills.

Individual Counseling

Mrs. Lamb cannot provide long-term “therapy” for individual students, but is available to listen to students’ private concerns.

How does a student get to talk to Mrs. Lamb about a problem?

  • The student may refer himself or herself by one of these ways:
    • tell his or her teacher
    • come to the Mrs. Lamb's office
    • leave a note in Mrs. Lamb's box
  • Parents may ask Mrs. Lamb to talk with their child.
  • The teacher or principal may ask Mrs. Lamb to talk with a student.
  • Mrs. Lamb may invite a student to her office if she hears the child is worried about something.
  • Other students may sometimes alert Mrs. Lamb about friends or classmates they are concerned about.


     As the school counselor, Mrs. Lamb is responsible for guarding the privacy of students and their families.  Information and concerns shared with her are confidential.  However, there are instances when confidentiality must be broken.  Cases of endangerment, such as child and sexual abuse, neglect, threatening harm to others, or suicidal thoughts are times when she has a legal obligation to break confidentiality.

Contact Information

  • Email:
  • Phone: 912-842-8480
Social Emotional Learning

Social Emotional Learning

Resources for Families


Counselor Kittie Lamb